Age Of Empires Rise Of Rome

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Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome manual Just click to open it in a new window then print the manual.; Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome game details: Just as the Romans rose up and became the most advanced and powerful nation in the Western Hemisphere at the turn of the millenium, so too do the Romans replace the old civilizations to reign supreme in Ensemble's Age of Empires expansion pack. Buy Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome. Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide. Download the registry needed for Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome Expansion and tweak it to suit your own computer. This registry helps fix problems with launching, installing or updating Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome Expansion.

< Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome | Table of Contents | Gameplay | Walkthrough

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Age Of Empires Rise Of Rome

You start this scenario with an air of overconfidence. Your force composition suggests that you are about to engage in a final naval assault. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, your enemies are about to sweep you from the seas. At least, they will try to.

A force composition of 5 Triremes and 7 Catapult Triremes is pretty ridiculous. 10 Triremes and two Catapult Triremes would make sense. Catapult Triremes perform very poorly in naval combat. They are too slow and clumsy to get out of bad positions, and too small to stand up long, but their biggest deficiency is that they tend to blow up friendly ships. You don't ever want to have more than a few, because you have to micromanage them continuously, and that severely restricts the useful number. With Catapult Triremes, the extra ones are not just spares, they are liabilities. They are specialist ships, and you only want to have them to deal with certain specialized situations.

Normally, you want to keep your Catapult Triremes in protected locations. At the start of this scenario, there are no protected locations. The best that you can do is to shove them as far back in your cove as possible, and you actually need to do this the instant the scenario starts, otherwise at least one of them will be sunk before you can respond.

Age Of Empires Rise Of Rome Definitive Edition

Your catapults actually make pretty good scouts, so put them to work on exploring. Move one towards your harbor, but park it in the middle of the peninsula. One thing catapults don't want to do is explore a narrow coastal strip when the sea is crawling with enemy warships. The other catapult heads towards the corner, and finds out quite quickly that you are on a fairly small island. Space will be at a premium. Fortunately, you won't need to build some of your low-tech buildings until much later, if at all. Produce a bunch of villagers and start sucking in wood. Pray that you don't get invaded, because you won't be able to deal with it.

There is a lion in the middle of your island. Don't let it hurt any of your units, but don't just kill it either. Render it down for its food, using at least three villagers, and do it right away, so that you don't have to worry about it any more.

Build a Granary and start sucking in food. It's not really safe to use your fishing boats much at this time. Work up to about 15 workers, including the fishing boats. If any of your units needs healing, get a priest.

Organize all 5 of your Triremes into one control group and clump them at the entrance to your cove. Set your diplomatic state to your enemies to neutral so that their trade boats do not suck your ships into their base. Build a Tower at the very tip of the peninsula. Pretty soon, naval attacks will start coming your way, but mostly it's only one ship at a time. Use standard naval tactics to blow the attackers away. Build a second Tower, and then a third one, on the peninsula protecting your harbor. Station two villagers there permanently to repair your ships and Towers. Get the missile weapon range upgrade at the Market so that your Towers are not outranged by the enemy warships. Research Coinage before pulling in a lot of gold. This is important here, because you may have an extremely limited gold supply. Coinage pays for itself whenever you have at least one untouched gold mine left, but is worth more the earlier you get it. Build two Towers on the far side of your island, in case someone decides to invade you from that side.

When you have a good supply of wood, get 5 more Triremes, and organize them into a second control group. This should put your population to 40. You won't need any more workers or ships. You will want a lot more priests, but don't produce any more units until you know what you can take over for free from your enemies.

With 5 Triremes and other assets to defend your harbor, you now have 5 Triremes ready to go exploring. Be very careful! Yellow has Laser Beam Towers (sic) that do 100 points of damage at a time, plus maybe 50% more for height bonus! Yes, they will hit a moving target! Yes, they can sink a Catapult Trireme with one shot! Fortunately, the reload time seems to be very long, and the range is only about 10, not the advertised 17, or perhaps the sight range of a Mirror Tower is less than the firing range. This means that if you are careful, your Trireme can escape after detecting a Mirror Tower. Also fortunately, not all the Yellow Towers are Mirror Towers. Once you have located a Mirror Tower, and it will always be the hard way, stay far away from it.

Brown has a small island base in the south corner of the map. There's not much there - an obsolete Tower, a couple of docks, and some Axemen. Yellow and Red appear to be trading there. Brown has no other ground units, and cannot produce any. There are a couple of small islands in the north corner of the map with some gold, food, and wood. The sea is crawling with fish. You could go fishing if you really wanted to.

The NE side of Syracuse appears to only have Ballista Towers. They only have a nominal range of 9 (Towers seem to have an actual range one greater than their nominal range), so a range-upgraded Catapult Trireme can take them out with impunity. There are also a bunch of other units there which must be dealt with as well. This appears to be the easiest place to attack Syracuse. Send a control group of Triremes and a couple of Catapult Triremes over there and start grinding away. The best way to deal with the many patrolling Elephant Archers is probably to shoot at one of the resting points in the patrol route with a Catapult Trireme using indirect fire. It will take a very long time, but eventually, all the Elephant Archers will be dead, and then you can close in and finish cleaning out the area.

While you're waiting for the indirect fire to have its effect, you might notice that Yellow and Red are collecting gold only very slowly. It looks like their only gold income is from trade. Send your unused Catapult Triremes to blow up the Brown docks. You are very unlikely to need that gold, and it might be useful to your enemies. In the meantime, the gold and stone mines on your island are probably exhausted by now. You should have a large stockpile of all resources. You may as well stop collecting wood, because you really don't want your woodcutters to open a hole in the forest wall on the NW side of your base. Yellow and Red appear to have gone completely static by now, and they don't even appear to be replacing their casualties.

By now you know that you can recruit elephants and heavy cavalry from your enemies, so you don't need to produce any yourself. You will need four more Legions, but you can recruit those as well. If those don't count towards the victory, then at the very end, you could simply disband as many units as you need to and produce your own Legions. Therefore the only units you would want to produce are priests, and maybe a couple of Ballistae, because they don't do splash damage. For the sake of argument, let's get a Scout as well, and a couple of chariots, because Yellow might have priests. With three production buildings available, you can get over the population limit by 2 in AoE by ordering a unit at each of them when you are one below the limit. This means that we can get 12 more units, even without disbanding existing units, and we certainly don't need 15 workers any more. Let's get 5 more priests, 3 Ballistae, one Scout, and 3 Chariots. But don't do this quite yet. Note that, when you are over the population limit, losing a critical unit can be very damaging, because in order to replace it, you have to throw a lot of other units away.

One way of wiping out the Mirror Towers that shouldn't be too expensive is to use range-upgraded Juggernaughts. Attack with a bunch of them. Whichever ones come under fire should have time to retreat, while the others stand and shoot. But as it turns out, you never need to do this.

After the NE side of Syracuse is clear of enemy units, go around the corner to the NW side. You need to kill all the archers and artillery, unless you want to convert them and let their ex-friends kill them. Most of these units are on the other side of a cliff, so you will not be able to extract them if you convert them. Push forward slowly along the NW side of Syracuse, eliminating all opposition. You should ignore melee units for now.

Load one Transport with 4 priests, and take along a villager for ship repairs. Take the second Transport along as well to extract the converted units. Send them over to the NW side of Syracuse and start collecting new units. Produce your required units first, of course. You will recruit mostly heavy cavalry at first, but as the terrain opens up near the west corner of the map, you should be able to get some elephants of various types. Remember, double-team each target with your priests, and go for groups of one or two units only. You will probably run out of space in your second Transport for all the converted units. You can unload them on the nearest island, but watch out for the wildlife!

Age Of Empires Rise Of Rome Steam


Eventually, you will have cleared as much of the area around Syracuse as you reasonably can from the north, and you start to run into inland Towers. At this point, send your home defense Triremes to clear out the seas along the SW side of the map. Be careful, because there are plenty of Mirror Towers in this area. Send one of your Transports back home from the north, swinging wide of the Mirror Towers, of course, pick up the two remaining priests, a catapult and all the Ballistae, a villager, and maybe a few melee units, sail around the map edge, and unload to the SW of Syracuse. Push inland, killing or converting enemy units as you go, and blowing up Towers, link up with the northern force, and invest the land approach to Syracuse. Collect some of the plentiful resources over there if you are inclined that way, but you certainly won't need them.

Avoid scouting with your artillery, because if they find a Mirror Tower the hard way, it will be the last thing they do. Scout with heavy cavalry preferentially, because they can take one hit from a Mirror Tower and get away. They can get away from anything else that shoots at them, even if they can't see much more than what shoots at them. This is called reconnaissance by drawing fire. If you are really worried about finding two Mirror Towers at once, you can explore with elephants. Once you know that there are no Mirror Towers in an area, you can bring up your artillery.

There is very little opposition inside Syracuse proper. All the ranged units should have been killed already, and there aren't a lot of Towers, and none of the really nasty ones. Convert all the Legions you can, and everything else, of course.

There is very little chance of killing Archimedes by accident, unless you are doing something very wrong. He looks like a priest, but isn't. He can be converted.

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  1. Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome
4.3 / 5 - 172 votes

Description of Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome

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While many Age of Empires and real-time strategy fans wait eagerly for the sequel due out sometime next year, Ensemble Studios', in the meantime, have graced us with a good quality expansion pack which adds that extra touch of variety to the original title. There's really not a whole lot to 'review' in Rise of Rome, as the new features list is the perfect summation as to what you get for your money. They are as follows:

  • Four new civilizations: Cathaginian, Macedonian, Palmyran, and (of course) Roman.- Five new units: Armored Elephant, Camel Rider, Fire Galley, Scythe Chariot and Slinger.- Four new technologies (or 'researchable upgrades'): Logistics, Martyrdom, Medicine and Tower Shield.- Four new campaigns- Four new map types: Continental, Mediterranean, Hill Country and Narrows.- New Roman tileset- A number of miscellaneous interface upgrades and added options including:
    • queued unit building
    • double-clicking selects all units of that type on screen
    • new 'Gigantic' map size for skirmishes
    • can choose 'random civilization' in skirmish games
    • can jump instantly to the portion of screen relevant to the last sound cue (eg. an attack warning)
    • allied Town Centers are visible when you begin allied multiplayer gamers (still no option to 'share vision' without having to research it though - boo!)
    • customizable population limit in multi games.

Units and Techs

After installing the expansion, your original AOE is automatically patched to the latest version available, 1.0b. Hopefully, many AOE owners will have already upgraded to at least 1.0a in the past, as that patch drastically altered many AI and path-finding issues which would have severely marred your enjoyment of the game had you played it through with version 1.0. If you haven't patched AOE in the past, then this expansion will really breathe new life into the game!

The 'bulk' of the expansion pack is undoubtedly the extra units and upgrades available. While five additional units could be considered a somewhat stingy amount, the new unit types do actually force a change in your strategic thinking. Ensemble were obviously addressing criticisms with multiplay in the original game where the cavalry units tended to be the most powerful and were often favored over the other alternatives (specifically infantry). The new camel rider evens the balance somewhat as it sports a high damage advantage over cavalry but none on infantry (which, along with their fast speed, was the cavalry's ace card). So this new unit implements a distinct paper-rock-scissors formula which was previously missing.

The other low-level unit is the slinger. Judging by his statistics, he has been brought into the fray to defend against early missile attacks from archers or guard towers - he scores both extra damage against range units plus extra armor against missile attacks. Again, another unit brought in to balance out the 'rushers'. Remaining new units are all only available in the Iron Age, so they're basically the extras to make the high-tech battles more interesting and diverse.

Two of the new researchable technologies also appear to be trying to encourage more use of infantry. Logistics offers the benefit of making all units from the Barracks count as only half towards your population limit, while the Tower Shield increases infantry armor against missile attacks. The other two technologies are priest upgrades - the priest being another unit usually overlooked in multi games for favor of the brute force approach at defeating your enemy. Martyrdom lets you sacrifice one priest's life with the result of an instant conversion, while amusingly, Medicine increases your priests' healing rate - so hey, you can make sure they're at their most peak condition to top themselves.

The new civilizations, again, are just adding some girth to the game - each new race, as with the original eight, have their own unique pattern of units available from the tech tree, and two or three 'special attributes' (eg. Transports go 30% faster or Siege units cost 50% less). They're also a great way for the writers of the documentation to load up Microsoft's Encarta Encyclopedia and fill the manual with a few pages of 'interesting' information about these ancient civilizations.

Aside from the first training campaign in the original game which got me used to the game's mechanics and gameplay, I wasn't too compelled to complete the single-player game. The storylines seemed rather dull and there are no cutscenes to speak of, but I suppose they might appeal in a sort of semi-educational way to some folks. The expansion adds four more of these campaigns with no particularly new features, just more pre-designed maps with specific objectives. I found the difficulty somewhat harder than the original campaigns but that's to be expected.


As with Age of Empires, the Rise of Rome offers some extremely well-supported multiplayer options both for LAN and Internet. Finding opponents shouldn't ever be a problem - besides the other multiplayer services that support the game, Microsoft's own free MSN Gaming Zone (which usually has 15,000+ players online at once) has never had under 1,000 people playing AOE and even with Rise of Rome being so new, there's still some 250+ gamers ready to clash metal with usually.

Once the expansion is installed, you're still given the option to either play the original game or the add-on, so if your friend doesn't own Rise of Rome, that doesn't mean you can't compete with him (you just can't use any of the upgrades that the expansion offers in your games with them). The also admirable '1 CD per 3 players' rule still applies (unbelievably, many games are still being released requiring every player to own a copy when playing multiplayer), and you can actually play Rise of Rome with the AOE CD in the CD-ROM and vice-versa.

The interface upgrades are certainly going to be cheered amongst multiplayer gamers as they relieve some (but definitely not all) of the micro-management duties that previously had to be endured. While the new features are not revolutionary, queued building is a great help and brings Age of Empires up a notch or two on the 'competitive respectability' scale. Another must-have that was noticeably absent from the original was the ability to select all units of one type in an instant - especially handy when assigning groups - so it's good to see that included too.


So on the whole, we have an expansion pack that really is exactly what it claims to be - a way to expand the original release. New units, new upgrades, new graphics (the Roman tileset), new interface features and more. There's not an absurd amount of extras (a la TA: Core Contingency), but certainly enough to warrant the developers asking a small reward for the obvious effort they put into it. The price is right, being in the $20 (or £20 UKP) region, and according to Microsoft, the UK version ships with a £10 mail-in rebate in the box which makes the pack even better value.

This gets a hearty recommendation to all those AOE fans looking to resurrect their interest in this now year-old title, just don't expect any major changes (that's what sequels are for, I guess).

Review By GamesDomain

Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome is an addon for Age of Empires, you will need the original game to play.

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Comments and reviews

Kevin2021-06-010 point

I still have the 'Gold Edition' disc. If you do too, install the game and then go to Works flawlessly on my picky Windows 10 laptop at an awesome resolution. Music is there, into videos aren't, no CD required in drive to play.

Defender2018-10-03-1 point

Thank you so much! AoE RoR without a disc !!! You're doing fine!!!

pnuii2018-09-130 point

I love this game, this is my chilhood

Minimeee2018-07-170 point

Is it possible to play the game on my iPhone somehow?

shazaib2018-06-150 point

Good game

Laxmi2018-05-26-2 points

How to install/extract the ISO files so that I can play the game?

Roman2018-05-070 point

The game works fine (win10, 64 bit), thank you guys!

Roman2018-05-061 point

Age Of Empires Rise Of Rome

The game works fine (win10, 64 bit), thank you guys!

yus2018-04-25-1 point

hey how to extract this game?

Gjammer2018-04-050 point

This one and Caesar III are my favorite strategy games. Pharaoh deserves honorable mention.

silent killer2018-03-23-4 points

it is not working to windows 7 32 bit

Cuban antigamer!2018-03-05-1 point

Yes, I'm not fond of games, but 'Age of Empires' is an exception, it's the only game I've been playing since Windows 98!

ADSTER2018-01-20-1 point Mac miller someone like you instrumental download.


Avatar Aang2018-01-191 point

I love this strategic game.
I'm playing this since my childhood.

this guy chris2017-12-11-10 points

hey it just has some white files how do I run it

YamaT02017-11-302 points

epic real-time strategy game

Victor2017-11-270 point

It is one of the oldest strategic game. I love this game❤

Age Of Empires Rise Of Rome

SamGod2017-10-11-1 point

Never mind made a small mistake,figured it out.Thanks Anyway!!

SamGod2017-10-11-5 points

Any tips on how to run it on Windows 10 it keeps showing an error when i try to install the expansion!!

wency2017-10-08-11 points

how to install

wency james Huertas2017-10-08-6 points

how to extract this games

Lazy2017-09-27-1 point

Please remove my comment about corrupt image file.
The image file will NOT run with windows 10 integrated .iso file handler.
use Daemontoolslite instead.

parthy2017-09-241 point

Heyy ! file extension is .img .. How can i open and install this game ?

Nighthawk2017-09-021 point

Great game.
Great speed of downloading.
Great job you did fellows.
Thank you.

badshah2017-08-281 point

best game
i like this very much

SABYASACHI2017-08-211 point


yash2017-08-020 point

i love this game

Ahoy2017-07-032 points


nitin2017-06-222 points

it a very nice game

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Buy Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome

Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide.

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