Hyperimage App

People Search

Hyperimage App For Windows

With Swoosh People Search, you can quickly search for people in your organisation and find not just their contact information, but a host of other important information instantly!


You can also see how they fit into your organisation with an intuitive organizational chart, that you can freely navigate without limits.

Let's connect to people...

HyperImage allows you to quickly download images from the internet onto your desktop. To download images, you can instruct HyperImage to follow links, which can seem a little confusing at first, but will actually save you time. Since Windows 10 version 1709, built-in admin account has been able to use UWP and PWA apps. In earlier versions, this was not possible, even Edge browser told users that it can't be used in built-in The Fix – Sysprep Generalize fails owing to app provisioning error(s) – Win10.Guru. I definitely see the value in HyperImage, given the amount of time you can spend clicking around (and around) on image sites. Almost every URL I “visited” provided a nice list of pictures that tell the site’s story without all that bothersome text. For version 1.0 software, it follows through well on delivering a complete site’s images.

Search People will allow you to type information about the person you are searching for and bring back a list of relevant results.

In the search box, you can type a first name, last name or a job title.

Hyperimage App

Once you have typed in your search query, hit ‘Enter’ and results will instantly appear like the image to the right:

By clicking on one of the individuals results, you will be shown a comprehensive view of the person’s profile, including all their contact information.

By hovering over one of the people results, you can view their profile card with further information, and even the ability to send them a quick email or ping them in Teams.

By clicking the Org Chart button next to a person when you hover over them, you will be instantly transferred to the Organisation Chart, focused on where the person fits in the company.

Ready to try People Search?
Register to trial and install Swoosh People Search, as well as the entire Suite of Swoosh Apps between the Gaps.

All development efforts are focused on HyperImage 3, which is available as a public beta. HyperImage 3 is backwards compatible with the previous HyperImage 2 system.

HyperImage 3 supports current web technologies like HTML5 and Javascript and brings support for mobile devices. Progressively replacing the old Java-based solution will enable the HyperImage platform to be completely web-based.

HyperImage 3 features a live previewof the Reader publication of your project. This way you can view what your project will look like in the Reader while still working on it in the Editor, try out different themes and make changes to your data if necessary. Changes in the Editor will immediately be visible in the preview window (WYSIWYG). This eliminates the need to constantly export your project. If you are satisfied with the result of your work you can then export your project for the HyperImage Reader and publish it as usual.

The creation and re-import of Light Tables is also possible directly from the live preview and carry over to the Editor. You do not need to ex- and re-import light tables anymore.

Other planned features include:

  • Editor and Reader functionality will be combined, allowing projects to be edited and presented using just the one application.
  • The lighttable editor will be integrated into the main GUI.
  • The network of associations between all elements of a project can be displayed on a scrollable canvas.
  • Projects will be exported into a standardised XML format for archiving or processing by other applications.
  • A plugin architecture will provide access to functionality and data supplied by external systems.

The HyperImage 3 Research Environment consists of the following main components:

  • HyperImage Server (Java WebService)
  • HyperImage Editor (v3.0: Java Webstart, v3.1: HTML5 & JavaScript)
  • HyperImage Publication PreViewer (HTML5 & JavaScript)
  • HyperImage Reader Publication Export (HTML5 & JavaScript)
  • HyperImage Reader (HTML5/JavaScript)
  • HyperImage System Administration (HTML5 & JavaScript)

Hyperimage App Free

Details can be found in our roadmap.

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